True Strength
True Strenght - Eigen Kracht in Dutch - is the Dutch Anti-Doping Authority's campaign for the bodybuilding and fitness sector aimed at informing athletes about the risks of using anabolic steroids and other prohibited substances. It also advocates for clean, doping-free sport and informs and educates athletes on healthy and effective ways to achieve their goals. In the Netherlands, bodybuilding and fitness has become one of the most popular sports, about three million people are members of a bodybuilding / fitness center. Athletes can have many reasons for wanting to do bodybuilding and fitness: for health, but aesthetic reasons such as being more muscular or losing weight, are more often cited.These motives are perfectly compatible with good health, but studies carried out show that 1 to 8 people doing bodybuilding / fitness are interested in using doping, precisely because of cosmetic reasons. Scientific research shows that unfortunately 8.2% of people who train in fitness centers use doping substances.
Elements campaign True Strength
The campaign True Strength consists of:
- Site ;
- Video 'Eigen Kracht in het Centrum' ;
- Book 'Op Eigen Kracht: slanker-strakker-sterker' ;
- Book 'Doping: 'de nuchtere feiten';
- Educational material ;
- Participating Fitness center; (using education materials)
- Lectures and presentations;
- Fairs and True Strength (Eigen Kracht) conferences;
- Biographies Cleane Kneiters (ambassadors True Strength) ;
- Series of articles on doping in Dutch bodybuildingmagazine 'Sports & Fitness Magazine' ;
- Series of articles on doping in Dutch bodybuildingmagazine 'Muscle & Fitness';
- Social Media; Instagram and Facebook
- Doping questions;